From Monday 11 May, students will return to school one day per week. Students will attend in their house groups with students in Years 7 to 11 attending school one day per week and students in Year 12 attending school at least two days per week.
Click here for Phase 1 weeks 3 – 4 term 2 information
From Monday 25 May, students have returned to school for face-to-face delivery of learning. As a result of the updated health advice and relaxed restrictions, I am pleased to let you know that we are able to recommence the majority of school-based activities from either 15 June 2020 or the start of Term 3 (20 July 2020). It is however important not to become complacent. All activities on school sites must occur in line with existing infection control procedures and the additional health, safety and distancing requirements outlined in the AHPPC Guidelines or in NSW Health advice, particularly as they relate to adults. Non-essential visitors are still not allowed on site or at events – this includes parents/carers.
From Monday, 15 June the following will be permitted:
- All Department of Community and Justice activities
- Choirs and performing arts at school within your school setting only
- Incursions/external providers relating to curriculum
- Some activities which involve students visiting other schools
- Return of TVET and school based apprenticeships to TAFE
- Most community use activities
From Term 3, schools can resume the following:
- All school sport and activities including competition aligned with current health advice
- Inter-school student events and competitions
- Incursions/external providers not already permitted involving external adult providers
- SRE/SEE volunteers
- Work experience for students
A limited number of activities remain under consideration and for now these events must remain on hold. Please read the Guidelines for a full list of these as well as details on a number of arts and sports events have been cancelled.
For a comprehensive list and examples of what can take place, please click here.