5th June 2023
Hi everyone
I wish to inform you that we have had some recent cases of COVID-19 in the school community.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we are still continuing our COVID-smart measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses such as the flu in our school community.
Our COVID-smart measures
While the community continues to live with COVID-19, NSW Health has advised that the unpredictable nature of the virus will continue to present a health risk to the community, especially during the winter months while other respiratory illness circulate. As a response, our school will continue to operate with our baseline COVID-smart measures in place throughout this term to minimise transmission while prioritising student and staff wellbeing. These includes a combination of layered safety measures such as:
· Staying home if unwell and test for COVID-19 if showing any symptoms. Students and staff are advised to stay home until they are well, even if they have a negative COVID-19 test result.
· Requiring masks for staff and volunteers who interact with students at greater risk of serious illness if they were to contract COVID-19 – including in Schools for Specific Purposes namely support units and some mainstream settings.
· Strongly encouraging up-to-date vaccinations for our students and staff, including COVID-19 booster shots and flu vaccinations for anyone eligible.
· Maintaining natural ventilation with windows and doors open whenever possible, including when cooling/heating systems are in use.
· Continuing to provide RATs and other hygiene products to our school community, free of charge. Please pick up your RAT tests from the front office should you require them.
On behalf of our school, I want to thank you for your support in helping to keep our students, staff and community safe.
Kind Regards
Mr Guy Wright
9th August 2022
Identified COVID-19 case AT Banora Point High School - school to stay operational
Dear community members
Banora Point High School has been advised that members of the school community have recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students in the Special Education Unit and staff who worked with this group of students may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for our school communities following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family if this situation arises at your school.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID- 19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you/your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for people who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students across NSW are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
21st July 2022
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome to the start of Term 3, after hopefully enjoying a safe and enjoyable winter break. I want to give you an overview of how we are continuing to ensure our school remains COVID-safe throughout this term.
As we continue to prioritise student and staff learning and wellbeing while at school, our layered COVID-smart measures will continue for Term 3. These ‘baseline measures’ are aligned to the NSW Government’s general community settings and include:
- staying home and getting tested if unwell, and only attending school when symptom free
- strongly encouraging mask-wearing for all staff and students, particularly in the first 4 weeks of term
- rapid antigen testing for symptomatic students and staff, and close contacts attending school to learn and work
- strongly encouraging COVID-19 vaccinations for students, staff and their families, including a booster shot (when eligible)
- maintaining double vaccination and mask-wearing requirements for staff in working with students at greater risk of serious illness should they contract COVID-19
- strongly encouraging students, staff and their families to get a flu vaccination
- strict requirements for close contacts attending school, including restricting close contacts from attending support units
- good hygiene practices
- maximising natural ventilation
- boosted cleaning during the day, with particular attention given to high touch surface areas
- responding to local COVID-19 conditions when necessary, by working with the department’s Health, Safety and Staff Wellbeing team.
Continuing these baseline COVID-smart measures allows us to prioritise student and staff wellbeing while giving our learners a consistent and productive learning environment this term.
What’s new in Term 3?
As winter continues, our COVID-smart measures have been updated in consultation with NSW Health to provide appropriate protection to our school community.
- The department has updated its policy regarding COVID-19 vaccination for employees following an independent risk assessment of school (and corporate) settings and consultation with unions and relevant stakeholders. While vaccination will no longer be a requirement for our staff from 1 August 2022, it is pleasing to see that a recent survey highlighted that more than 99% of the department’s active school-based workforce have had at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. We will continue to strongly encourage all our staff to keep up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations as a way of protecting themselves, students, and our school community.
- Boosted day cleaning. The department has made a slight change to its cleaning process. Cleaning of school sites will now be more concentrated during the day, with an increase in cleaning in school hours, and a subsequent reduction out of hours. Boosted day cleaning will continue to focus on high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas.
What’s continuing for Term 3?
- Masks. Masks are an effective way of minimising the transmission of respiratory viruses and infections, and protecting our community, especially those who are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and flu. We strongly encourage all students and staff wear a mask for the first 4 weeks of Term 3, particularly in indoor settings or when distancing is not possible. Masks remain required for staff who work with students at greater risk of serious illness should they contract COVID-19. The latest NSW Health advice also recommends wearing a mask for people who have recovered from COVID-19 and recently completed their 7-day isolation period for an additional 3 days (from days 8 to 10 after receiving a positive COVID-19 result). Additionally, as outlined in the below section on close contacts, mask wearing is mandatory for staff and high school students returning to school as close contacts for 5 school days and strongly recommended for primary school students returning to school as close contacts for 5 school days. Students or staff identified as close contacts who are unable to wear a mask will be supported to learn or work remotely.
- Rapid antigen tests (RATs). The department will send another round of RATs to our school early this term, which we will provide to you in the form of 1 multipack of 5 RAT kits per student. These RATs can be used as required for symptomatic testing, such as if your child is displaying even mild symptoms, and daily testing for close contacts returning to school]. Beyond this provision, if you require additional RATs let the school know that you need more and we will try and assist. Additionally, our school will be maintaining a reserve stock of RATs onsite to support symptomatic testing in the event of an outbreak in our school community. Please also remember that positive RAT results must be registered with ServiceNSW, and students who test positive to COVID-19 must not attend school until their isolation period ends and they are symptom free.
- Close contacts. Students identified as close contacts remain able to attend school providing they are symptom free, notify the school and return a negative COVID-19 test result daily for 5 consecutive school days. Additionally, secondary students are required to wear a mask for 5 consecutive school days (except when eating/drinking or exercising). Please note that students identified as close contacts are still unable to attend overnight excursions, including camps. Visitors identified as close contacts who are engaging directly with students are required to return a negative COVID-19 test result before attending our school and wear a mask.
- SUPPORT UNIT Close contacts. The rules regarding close contacts in SSPs, support units/classes and students using assisted transport programs remain unchanged. Students in these settings are not allowed to attend school as close contacts, and will continue to be supported to learn remotely. Additionally, visitors identified as close contacts are not allowed to engage directly with students in these settings.
- Responding to our local situation. We will continue to liaise with NSW Health and the department’s Health, Safety and Staff Wellbeing Case Management team to ensure our COVID-smart settings keep up with the latest developments. If local conditions require it, this may mean reintroducing temporary additional COVID-smart measures to act as a ‘circuit breaker’, including:
- mandating mask wearing for all staff and students in Year 7 and above (high school settings)
- mandating mask wearing for all staff (primary school settings)
- postponing or limiting non-essential activities like excursions, indoor assemblies and visitors to the school
- directing cohorts to learn remotely for short periods of time.
- Maximising natural ventilation. The department has reviewed environmental differences across NSW as part of their winter ventilation planning to ensure that local climatic conditions at each school are considered. The department will continue to provide local guidance to schools, including advice on maximising natural ventilation while balancing thermal comfort and the use of indoor and outdoor learning areas for school activities to support schools to adapt to local climate conditions throughout the winter months.
- Reducing the risk of illness this winter. Finally, it is important to note NSW Health’s advice to reduce our risk of not only COVID-19, but other illnesses that may affect our school at this time of year such as the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)External link, both of which can be serious in younger people. We can all protect our loved ones and our community by:
- staying home and getting tested if unwell or displaying any symptoms
- keeping up to date with our vaccinations – including the flu vaccine, which is available from your local GP, pharmacy or Aboriginal Medical Service now
- flu vaccines are free for all children aged 6 months to under 5 years, or for a small charge for those aged 5 years and older
- getting tested immediately for COVID-19 if you become symptomatic and isolating until you receive a negative result and are symptom free
- practicing good hand hygiene by washing regularly with soap and water
- taking a RAT before vising vulnerable loved ones or going to large gatherings and events.
On behalf of our school, I want to thank you again for your ongoing support and resilience as we continue to work together to support our students.
Yours sincerely
Mr Christopher Randle
29th May 2022
Identified COVID-19 case AT Banora Point High School - school to stay operational
Dear community members,
Banora Point High School has been advised that members of the school community have recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students in mathematics lessons with a practicum teacher and staff who worked with this group may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for our school communities following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family if this situation arises at your school.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you/your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for people who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students across NSW are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Mr Christopher Randle
Banora Point High School
7th May 2022

3rd May 2022

26th April 2022
Close contacts attending school
The announcement to ease the isolation requirements for close contacts was made on 20 April 2022. This will enable students and staff who are close contacts and have no symptoms to continue to attend school if they follow guidelines agreed with NSW Health. Close contacts will not be permitted to enter an SSP or support unit (including Assisted School Travel Program) and will be supported to continue learning or working from home where possible.
Close contacts attending school will need to adhere to the following in addition to the NSW Health guidelines:
- They must notify the school if they are intending to return under this provision.
- They should conduct a daily RAT and return a negative result each morning before attending school for 5 school days.
- They must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising in a secondary school setting.
- No student or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to participate in overnight excursions, including school camps.
- No apprentices, trainees or students on placement or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to attend settings identified as high risk by NSW Health (healthcare, aged care, disability care or correctional facilities)
- Any visitor to a school site who is a close contact is required to advise the school that they are a close contact before they come on site. These visitors should conduct a daily RAT and return a negative result before attending. They must also wear a mask indoors at all times. Schools should consider if the visit can be conducted virtually.
The department’s Health, Safety and Staff Wellbeing case management team will continue to work with schools around temporary use of additional COVID- smart measures for short periods of time based on localised risk assessments.
Students and staff at greater risk of serious illness, if they were to contract COVID-19, should speak with their health care professional to review their health support plan or COVID-19 action plan and speak with the school about any local considerations.
Remember: Staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19
If symptoms occur at any time, your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test (RAT).
Additional delivery of RATs will be provided for students and staff who are identified as close contacts and are returning to school.
All students and staff will receive 1 multipack of RAT kits within the first three weeks of Term 2. The RAT kits can be used for symptomatic testing or for daily testing as part of the close contact requirements. Note that students and staff in SSPs or support classes or who utilise assisted transport who are identified as close contacts must not attend school and learn from home.
Beyond the department's provision of RATs, symptomatic students and staff should continue to access PCR and store-purchased RATs.
- If a student is unwell and has any COVID-19 symptoms, they should always test for COVID-19.
- If the test comes back negative for COVID-19, the student should still not return to school until either:
- The student no longer has any symptoms, or
- A medical certificate is provided to the school confirming that symptoms are explained by another diagnosis (such as hay fever)
- It is important that students do not attend school if they are unwell, even if they have tested negative for COVID-19. Rapid antigen tests can produce false negative results and symptoms of other illnesses can also be similar to COVID-19, including flu, the common cold and stomach bugs. Health advice is that students who are sick should always stay home to rest and recover and avoid putting other students and staff at risk of getting sick.
It is recommended that students and staff that return to school after recovering from COVID-19 do not participate in rapid antigen testing for 12 weeks following release from self-isolation unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms. This is due to NSW Health advice that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have a low risk of contracting it again in the following 12 weeks.
Students and staff may receive a nasal or saliva rapid antigen testing kit from their school. All RAT kits contain instructions on how to use the tests, check results and dispose of the tests safely. Parents, carers and staff can also download user guides of the relevant test they have received through the Therapeutic Goods Administration website. The user guides contain a contact number for the suppliers for additional support. People using saliva testing kits must not eat or drink for 30 minutes before taking the saliva RAT, to give more accurate results.
For positive COVID-19 cases
If there is a positive case in your child’s class, year or other grouping, your child can continue to attend school in line with NSW Health advice.
If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT test, they need to:
- record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW website or Service NSW app– please add details of your child's school when prompted
- notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR test result as soon as possible
- follow NSW Health advice to isolate for 7 days.
Registering your child’s positive RAT with Service NSW is a requirement of the Public Health Order and helps NSW Health track COVID-19 in schools and address any public health issues early on if required.
Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
Schools will inform their community when there is a positive case in the school and guide families on NSW Health advice, including monitoring for symptoms. Parents should expect regular communication.
For more information, including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets, refer to People who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19.
Visitors on school grounds
Schools and early childhood education can invite visitors – including parents, carers and families – to their sites regardless of their vaccination status, in line with settings in the broader community.
Workers and volunteers must meet mandatory vaccination requirements including:
- volunteers or staff operating uniform shops and canteens
- visitors supporting school operations and curriculum delivery
- allied health partners for the wellbeing of students
- university and TAFE students attending school sites to complete their practicum or teacher training.
Schools are not required to keep students in their class or year group cohorts. This means schools do not need to stagger start and finish times and can conduct cross-year group activities and events such as assemblies.
Masks are not mandatory for staff in primary schools and early childhood settings and for staff and students in high schools.
In line with community settings, workers who support our students with disability in support units and some mainstream classrooms will be required to wear masks while working with students.
Masks are still required on school sites for anyone doing any of the following types of work:
- NDIS services
- ATSP services – drivers and Assisted Travel Support Officers
- education and/or support of a student with a disability in an SSP, support unit or mainstream setting where the student is dependent on the worker for mobility, health care, personal care, or constant supervision to minimise harm
- Staff and students will be supported to wear a mask if they choose to do so.
- Masks continue to be mandatory on public transport. This applies to students aged 12 years and older, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered transport services.
- In line with the latest advice from NSW Health, masks are recommended for students and staff who have recovered from COVID-19, completed their 7-day isolation period and are no longer showing symptoms for an additional 3 days (from days 8 – 10 after receiving a positive COVID-19 result).
- Additionally, mask wearing is mandatory for staff and high school students returning to school as close contacts for 5 school days
Hygiene and cleaning
Students and staff are encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water.
Schools will continue to use enhanced cleaning processes. Target areas include high-touch areas, hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and areas where students and staff move through regularly.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Kind Regards
Mr Christopher Randle
31st March 2022
Dear parents and carers
A big thank you for your continuing efforts in supporting our school and students during the pandemic – especially prioritising safety and learning.
Recently our school community has been experiencing increasing levels of COVID-19 exposure and transmission in our support unit. To minimise disruption to face-to-face learning and reduce in-school transmission of COVID-19, our school has been working closely with the Department of Education’s Health & Safety case management team and has decided to temporarily adopt some additional COVID-smart measures for the next week (five school days).
These temporary measures are designed to act as a “circuit breaker” to reduce transmission of COVID-19 in our school.
From Thursday 31 March, 2022 our school will adopt the following enhanced settings:
- Physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres will be encouraged for all school staff.
- Large indoor gatherings will be rescheduled to next term or held in an outdoor setting if possible. This includes indoor assemblies and events.
- Masks will be required for all support unit staff and visitors.
- Masks will be required for all students in the support unit.
- Non-essential activities will be postponed until at least next term. This is including, but not limited to, school camps and excursions.
After one week, our school will work with the department to determine whether an extension is required or if we can revert to our usual layered COVID-smart measures. Once this decision is made, we will communicate this to you.
Our continued layered measures include:
- Students, staff and visitors must stay home and test if sick. Refer to Advice for families for more information on testing and reporting a positive RAT.
- Maximising ventilation and distancing when practicable.
- Enhanced daily cleaning.
- Focus on personal hygiene.
- All school staff are required to be double vaccinated against COVID-19.
- All students are encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
- Masks required for staff working in support classes.
We strongly encourage our students and their families to consider vaccination, including boosters when eligible. Find a vaccination clinicExternal link to book an appointment near you.
Thank you again for your continued support and understanding.
Mr Christopher Randle
30th March 2022
Parents and carers
It is important at this time of severe weather and flooding that we keep our young people safe. Our school has reduced staffing and will only be providing minimal supervision today. Please keep your child at home and safe from these weather conditions. Your home and your family are most important during these events. We will continue to monitor these conditions and a update you daily. Please stay safe.
Kind regards
Mr. Christopher Randle
29th March 2022
Parents and carers
It is important at this time of severe weather and flooding that we keep our young people safe. Our school has reduced staffing and will only be providing minimal supervision today. Please keep your child at home and safe from these weather conditions. Your home and your family are most important during these events. We will continue to monitor these conditions and a update you daily. Please stay safe.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
12th March 2022
Identified COVID-19 case at Banora Point High School - school to stay operational
Dear community members
Banora Point High School has been advised that members of the school community have recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students in the Special Education Support Unit and staff who worked with this group of students may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for our school communities following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family if this situation arises at your school.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you/your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for people who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students across NSW are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
6th March 2022
Dear Parents and carers
First of all, I would like to acknowledge that the recent flood disaster that has impacted our community is unlike anything we have seen before. This has been a very difficult time with many of us affected in different ways. Support is available in a number of other ways if we need it:
- Urgent mental health and wellbeing support.
- LifeWorks Crisis Support Line on 1800 512 188 for 24/7 professional emotional support.
- NSW Government Storms and floods – disaster relief and recovery.
- Australian Government Natural disaster payments and help for those directly affected by bushfires, floods or other natural disasters.
The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is of the highest importance to us at all times. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that our school will begin to transition back to normal operations from Monday 7thMarch.
If it is safe to do so, please send your child/ren back to school. We are currently working with our teaching and non-teaching staff to ensure we have as much support available at the school as possible.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
28 February 2022
Parents and carers
It is important at this time of severe weather and flooding that we keep our young people safe. Our school has reduced staffing and will only be providing minimal supervision today. Please keep your child at home and safe from these weather conditions. Your home and your family are most important during these events.
We will continue to monitor these conditions and a update you daily.
Please stay safe.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
28 February 2022
A combination of layered safety measures – rapid antigen testing (RAT), vaccinations, ventilation, hygiene and cleaning – allows us to prioritise student and staff wellbeing while keeping our school operational.
Rapid antigen testing
As part of the NSW Government’s focus on prioritising face-to-face learning, we are extending the supply of rapid antigen tests (RATs). This will continue to help minimise transmission and support staff and community confidence until the end of Term 1.
From Monday 28 February, schools will align with community settings of ‘symptomatic testing’ and the department will provide:
- 8 tests per student and staff in schools
- 20 tests per student and staff in SSPs or support classes.
Students and staff can use this allocation of RATs at their discretion such as if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
As final RATs are delivered to schools over the coming weeks, we will progressively supply them to students and staff.
Beyond that, symptomatic students and staff should continue to access PCR tests and store-purchased RATs.
Visitors on school sites
From Monday 28 February, schools and early childhood education (ECE) can invite visitors to their sites regardless of their vaccination status, in line with settings in the broader community.
Workers and volunteers must meet double vaccination requirements including:
- volunteers or staff operating uniform shops and canteens
- visitors supporting school operations and curriculum delivery
- allied health partners for the wellbeing of students
- university and TAFE students coming on school sites to complete their practicum or teacher training.
All visitors (parents and carers, volunteers and contractors including cleaners) must use School Visitor Check-in to comply with school sign-in procedures.
From Monday 28 February, schools will no longer need to keep students in their class or year cohort groups. This means schools can reintroduce cross-year group activities and events such as assemblies.
From Monday 28 February:
- Masks will no longer be mandatory for staff or students in high schools.
In line with community settings, workers who support our students with disability in SSPs, support units and some mainstream classrooms will be required to wear masks while working with students.
Masks are still required on school sites for anyone doing any of the following types of work:
- NDIS services
- ATSP services – drivers and Assisted Travel Support Officers
- education and/or support of a student with a disability in an SSP, support unit or mainstream setting where the student is dependent on the worker for mobility, health care, personal care, or constant supervision to minimise harm – including:
- school learning support officers (SLSOs)
- school counselling staff
- learning and support teachers
- early intervention staff
- itinerant support teachers
- assistant principals (hearing or vision)
- assistant principals learning and support
- support teachers transition
- classroom teachers
- allied health professionals engaged through the allied health pre-qualification scheme
- attendant carers engaged through third-party providers.
Once existing supplies of masks are exhausted, further supplies will not be provided. Staff and students should continue to be supported to wear a mask should they choose to do so.
Masks continue to be mandatory on public transport. This applies to students aged 12 years and older, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered transport services.
Ventilation and physical distancing
Maximising natural ventilation is an effective method for minimising the spread of COVID-19. Advice provided after the ventilation audit in 2021 remains unchanged. Schools should note the following:
- Prioritise outdoor settings for activities and events wherever practicable, as outdoor spaces have great natural ventilation and represent a lower risk than indoor settings.
- In line with community settings, square metre rules are no longer in place. However, if activities or events are indoors, ensure the space is well ventilated and as large as possible for the number of attendees to avoid crowding.
- Allowing a reasonable space between people will reduce the risk of transmission in those environments and also ensure people are more comfortable.
- Air purifiers have been provided to schools to be deployed at the principal's discretion.
Hygiene and cleaning
- Encourage students and staff to wash or sanitise hands regularly.
- Use personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly, as incorrect use can increase the risk of infection. For information on how to use PPE, refer to Infection control.
- Continue enhanced cleaning of schools. Target areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. Enhanced cleaning is delivered as part of the daily cleaning of schools.
Kind Regards
Mr Christopher Randle
22 February 2022
Identified COVID-19 case at Banora Point High School - school to stay operational
Dear community members,
Banora Point High School has been advised that members of the school community have recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students in 8A and staff who worked with this group of students may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for our school communities following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family if this situation arises at your school.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you/your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for people who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students across NSW are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Mr Christopher Randle
17 February 2022
Our DoE guidelines for distributing RATs has shifted and we are now able to distribute RATs directly to students. Thank you to all our parents and carers who have already collected RATs.
On Monday 21st February, during our period 5 lesson, we will distribute RATs to students whose families have not collected the second round of RATs. Students will be asked to place the RATs in their bag and hand directly to parents once they arrive at home.
If you do not wish your child to be issued with RATs, please notify the school by text, email or written note on or before Monday 21st February.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
9 February 2022
Dear school community,
Our school has been advised that a member of our school community has recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students and parents/carers who have visited the uniform shop and staff who worked with this group of students may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for the community following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for People who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
9 February 2022
Dear school community,
Our school has been advised that a member of our school community has recently tested positive to COVID-19.
Students in classes 8MATs, 9MATR, 10MATA, 11MS22, 12MA1 and staff who worked with this group of students may have had contact with a person who was infectious with COVID-19.
While testing and isolation is no longer mandatory for exposures in school settings, NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for the community following exposure to COVID-19 that should be considered when making decisions for your child and family.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, you should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for People who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Mr Christopher Randle
25 January 2022
Dear parents and carers
Welcome to a new school year, an exciting time as our students start or return to their school journey. I want to share how we are building on our experiences of the last 2 years and continuing to safeguard our school community while keeping our school open, where we know the best learning happens.
We will start 2022 with a layered approach to COVID-smart measures that have been developed in partnership with NSW Health to help to minimise transmissions at school. The health and wellbeing of our students and staff remain our priority, and these measures are designed to help to keep our school open and our students learning in the classroom.
These key measures include:
- Rapid antigen test (RAT) kits will be provided to all students to help monitor your child’s health and minimise transmission of COVID-19 across our school.
- Wearing of surgical masks indoors is required for all staff and students in Year 7 and above and strongly recommended for all primary students. Masks will be provided by the school if required.
- Only fully vaccinated visitors essential to delivering and supporting learning or wellbeing can come on a school site.
- Two parents or carers are allowed to accompany their child into school on their first day of Kindergarten or Year 7 or students starting at a new school.
- Students will be kept in their year groups on school grounds, with staggered drop-off and pick-ups, break times, playground and canteen access to minimise the spread of COVID-19 across cohorts.
- We will continue to use good hygiene, enhanced cleaning, good air flow and ventilation in learning spaces, as well as physical distancing practices.
While this is not going to be a normal start to the school year, we know that being together in the classroom is the most effective way for students to learn and grow. Your child's relationship with their teacher is important, but as we manage potential disruptions to staffing due to COVID-19, they may get to meet more teachers than usual.
Rapid antigen testing
We will distribute packs of rapid antigen test (RAT) kits for all students and staff at the start of Term 1.
The use of RAT kits is an important step to support the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. They are a quick and easy screening tool to help detect COVID-19. It is a simple process of placing a nose or throat swab in a chemical solution, which is put onto a scanning device. Results can be ready within 15 minutes. Use of RAT kits is highly recommended but not mandatory.
Instructions are included in the kits detailing how to use the tests, check the results and dispose of the tests safely. You can also download the instructions through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)External link website. The user guides will also contain a contact number for the suppliers if you need additional support.
How and when do I pick up the RAT kits?
RAT kits will be available for parents and carers to collect from the school between :
· 1.30pm and 2.30pm Friday 28th January
· 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday 31st January
Parents and carers are advised to enter the school via the gate opening onto the crossing on Eucalyptus Drive, where the RAT kits will be collected from the hall. All visitors should leave the pick-up location or the school site immediately after picking up their packs of RAT kits.
Additional information
- School staff will not be administering the rapid antigen tests to students.
- RAT kits should be collected from school by a parent or carer and the tests completed at home in the morning before attending school.
- Each student will receive an initial supply of 4 RATs to be used twice a week in the morning before attending school.
- If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT result, they need to:
- record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW website or Service NSW app
- notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR result as soon as possible
- follow NSW Health advice to isolate for 7 days.
Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
All students and staff in the Special Education Unit will be provided with a kit containing 10 days' worth of RATs to be used every school day for an initial 2-week period.
Unwell at school
Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.
- If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
- If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative and they are displaying no symptoms OR they are diagnosed as another condition such as hayfever, the student or staff member can return to school.
What happens when a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19
Under the new close contact rules, schools are no longer included in contact tracing. I will inform the school community when there is a positive case in our school and advise families on public health advice, including monitoring for symptoms.
Use of surgical masks
All school staff will be required to wear masks indoors.
No vented or cloth masks should be worn. If required, surgical masks will be available at schools.
Secondary school students will be provided with surgical masks as a backup when needed, which they are required to wear indoors.
Masks are also strongly encouraged in outdoor settings where you cannot physically distance. Your child can remove their mask when eating, exercising or playing a musical instrument.
For more information, refer to Face masks in NSW.
Visitors on school sites and vaccinations
No parents, carers or visitors will be allowed on school site until further notice with the following exceptions:
- Two parents or carers are allowed to accompany their child into school on their first day of Kindergarten or Year 7 or students starting at a new school.
- Volunteers or staff operating uniform shops and canteens must be fully vaccinated.
- Visitors supporting school operations and curriculum delivery must be fully vaccinated.
- Allied health partners for the wellbeing of students must be fully vaccinated.
All staff on school sites are required to be fully vaccinated, including having their booster when eligible.
We strongly encourage our students and their families to consider vaccination when eligible. Find a vaccination clinic to book an appointment near you.
Other key measures
We will continue to follow NSW Health ventilation guidelines that natural ventilation is the most effective measure so we will maximise fresh air flow in learning spaces through opening doors and windows.
This approach is strongly supported by expert advice. Where natural ventilation is not sufficient, mechanical ventilation and/or air purification will be used and we will continue to use outdoor settings where possible.
Air purifiers have been provided to schools as a supplementary measure to support common areas in schools and can be deployed at the principal's discretion. These purifiers could be located in areas where high levels of student and staff mixing occurs, such as staffrooms, internal canteens, student centres and music rooms.
We continue to have enhanced cleaning focusing on high-touch and high-traffic areas.
Physical distancing
We will continue to follow physical distancing guidelines and maintain 1.5 metres distance wherever possible.
Yours sincerely
Mr Christopher Randle